Ricardo Sanati is known for King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (2017) and The Cage: Live Event (2016).
Ricardo Sanchez Twitch is an actor, known for Ladies Night Out (2008) and What Goes Around (2008).
Ricardo Santos is an actor and producer, known for Mother and Daughter (2019), Clinic The Movie (2018) and The Ghost Beyond (2018).
Ricardo Scheihing Vasquez is an actor, known for Bump (2021) and The Indie Report (2017).
Ricardo Scofidio is known for Aberrant Architectures?: Diller + Scofidio at the Whitney Museum (2003), Urbanized (2011) and Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Reimagining Lincoln Center and the High Line (2012).
Ricardo Seleuco is known for ¡He matado a mi marido! (2018), The KAOS Brief (2017) and The House: A Hulu Halloween Anthology (2017).
Ricardo Selmen is known for Familia (2023), Como dice el dicho (2011) and Esta historia me suena (2019).
Ricardo Soares is a Brazilian actor, born in Rio de Janeiro in 1975. He has several important works in cinema, streaming, television and theatre. His work can be seen in the series "Brasil Imperial" and in the feature film "O Filho do Homem", both available on Amazon Prime Video. Among other works, the series "Bem-Aventurados" and "Anos Radicais", as well as the feature film "Mulheres no Poder", also stand out. Among his works for 2022, the releases of two feature films are foreseen: "Pra Onde Levam as Ondas" and "Jorge da Capadócia", and also the first season of the series "Reunião de Pais". Recently, he obtained important recognition for his act as the serial killer Peter Kurten in the Brazilian version of the Scottish play "Normal", written by Anthony Nielson. He also works as a Casting Director, Producer, Director and screenwriter in audiovisual projects.
Ricardo Solis is an actor, known for Cranston Academy: Monster Zone (2020).