Tony Simmons
Tony Simmons has appeared in "The Vampire Diaries" and the feature "Carnies" (along with Doug Jones and Reggie Bannister), and is known for his unbridled and ferocious performance as Madman in "Scream For Me" (Best Short Film: The New York City Horror Film Festival), written and directed by Christopher Alan Broadstone. He has also starred in two other Broadstone films, "My Skin!" and "Human No More", as Detective Nemo, which garnered him the awards "Winner Best Actor: Tabloid Witch Awards 2005", "Winner Best Actor Short Film: Cine-Macabre Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival 2004", "Winner Best Actor: Horror Fiesta Film Festival Warsaw Poland 2004", and "Winner Best Actor: Wicked Pixel Cinema Cinema Edge Awards 2004". Tony Simmons returned to his lead role as Detective Nemo in Broadstone's feature film "Human No More" (2020). He most often resides in the darker and more disturbing shadows that haunt New Orleans.