Sam Grossinger
Sam Grossinger is an American actor known best for his staring role as Jim Steeple in "The Adventures Of TP Man And Flusher" (2019). Sam Grossinger is known mostly for his participation in Independent films and student films. Sam has attended multiple film festivals, for multiple movies. Sam was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and resides now in Santa Clarita, California. Sam is attending SCVi Charter School in Santa Clarita, California. Not only is Sam an actor, he is a music producer, DJ, model, and athlete. Sam plays basketball for SCVi Charter School, and DJ's school events! Sam's first film credit was "Calling The Shots" (2018). Since then, he has acted in two films "The Adventures Of TP Man and Flusher" (2019) and "A Spark In Nothing" (2020).