Rick is a 42 year old budding actor and veteran Public Safety Officer with skills varying from firearms to precision driving as well as some Hapkido training having tested through his blue/black belt over the years. Best known for portraying a Wrestling character by the name of WarChain as leader of the faction "The Union" and also TikTok success as "BigDaddyBickel". Training ongoing with the talent spot in areas such as commercial work and voice over as well as monologue. Rick has a unique voice (deep/raspy) with a southern draw and can change it up at a moments notice (deeper or high pitch). Motorcycle riding is also in his toolbox as he rides often and regularly. His intensity is a strong point able to translate that intensity in energy and tone of voice as well as body language. Genres he fits in with naturally include horror, comedy and action. Rick has comedic timing and sharp wit to change up a scene from serious to shocking laughter. His ability to stay calm in almost any situation suits most environments. Very friendly and solid. Very loyal and honest. Hardworking and eager. He has a willingness to learn and absorb knowledge from all points of view and job titles in front of and behind the camera.
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