Born in Camberwell, South London Richie Lawrie had a very poor, under privileged upbringing. He was often ridiculed right up to his leaving school age about even the most simple things like the lack of an adequate sports kit and school uniform due to the lack of money available for the family to spend. Later in life he started out as a stage and theatre actor. He is also a trained singer and progressed in to singing in theatre plays as well and has played the lead vocal in many plays and most recently in an extended adaptation of The Lion King where he played Scar as the lead and the lead vocalist. He is also an ex boxer and semi professional footballer and also played in the F.A cup a few times. He is known for his easily identifiable Cockney London accent and his voice is also very unique and always adds value with certain roles. Actors have often said he has a very powerful voice that commands respect! Richie always prefers to be positive in life on and off screen and has many recommendations from well known actors who have worked with him in previous films and projects to add to his credentials. Richie is also a great compere to add to his CV and if given the chance can be a superb ad-lib comedian. He often entertains the cast and crew with his stories an jokes when down time on set. Londoner Richie is in production of making his own hard hitting film feature film based on true events about the struggles that homeless people have to go through night and day and he hopes to change people's attitudes to homeless people.
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