Richard Tse
Richard Tse, born in Indonesia, grew up in Hong Kong, came to Canada when he was 18. He thinks his life can be divided into two parts, at least for now. The first part was all set, all logical and predictable. He went to school with excellent grades, graduated from University of Toronto, majoring in Computer Science, and worked as an IT professional in various financial and insurance companies for 15 years. During this time, as much as he enjoyed the stability of life and work, there was something missing. He needed to be challenged. He needed to express himself to the world. He always had a passion in performing arts. So with a drastic change in life, he started the second part of his life.
Richard started taking acting lessons from most acting teachers in Toronto, including Miriam Laurence, landed some television commercial gigs, got some acting parts in films and televisions. In 2001, he participated in the musical 'Iron Road', which garnered a Best New Musical Dora award. In 2005, the Summerworks Festival play 'Pu-Erh' confirmed his desire to be a serious actor. NOW Magazine described his work as 'nuanced performance'. In 2007, in the Summerworks Festival play 'Jasmine' (sequel of 'Pu-Erh'), he was part of the 'outstanding ensemble' selected by NOW Magazine. In 2008, Richard collaborated with director Weigo Lee (4-time Hong Kong Drama Awards Best Director) and veteran actor Liu Kai Chi (2-time Hong Kong Film Awards Best Supporting Actor), playing Mitch in 'Tuesdays with Morrie' on stage in Cantonese. It was a huge success in the Toronto Chinese Community.
Richard has also executive-produced and starred in the short film 'Embedded', which has been shown in the film festival circuit.
Aside from acting, Richard also enjoys singing. He has been taking singing lessons from various singing coaches, including Brandon Brophy. He has been the lead vocalist of 'Dynasty Music Group', a top-rated band in the Chinese community, not only in Toronto, but also in North America. He has performed with the group in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Reno, Atlantic City, Chicago, Boston, Ottawa and Hamilton.