Lenny Harris
Born in Montgomery, Alabama and moving to Cleveland, Ohio at the age of 5, Lenny began his love of film and acting early. By age 9 he'd already memorized not only the dialogue but the musical lyrics to most of his favorite films including Rocky Horror Picture Show, Little Shop of Horrors, Cats, Phantom of the Opera and other hit Broadway musicals. By the age of 16 Lenny already performed in over 20 theatrical Productions. Most notable are his starring roles in Ira Levin's Death Trap as Sidney Bruhl ( portrayed in the movie by Michael Caine) and Bram Stoker's Dracula as Renfield where he was the first man of color to portray those characters on stage. and Don't Dress for Dinner where he played Robert Dubadot. In 2015 he discovered Velvet Buck Productions (Donn R. Nottage, Renee Nottage) along with a team of local actors to join the 48 Hour Film Festival playing hitman, Lars Olsen. The following summer he met again with Donn and noted local producer Robert Swanson (MilRoy Pictures) for the production The Final Goodbye portraying Ezzard Kishman, proprietor of a dry cleaning business who aids a private detective. As of today he is not only an actor but a producer as well, having started his own company Touchblack Productions where the wheels are in motion for a Web Series benefiting charities to raise proceeds for children and families in need.