GlennThomas Cruz
GlennThomas Cruz was born in Manila, Philippines. He grew up in New York City, borough Staten Island. His family immigrated to the U.S. when he was 3 years old.
In his sophomore year of college he took a juggling & clown class, rekindling his childhood joy of performing in school and neighborhood plays. He continued taking acting classes throughout college. He graduated from Binghamton University with a B.A. in Political Science. After graduation he put off going to law school to study acting. He trained at the Stella Adler Studio of Acting (NY). Upon graduating from the Stella Adler conservatory program he was offered an internship at the the famed Jean Cocteau Repertory.
His early career was spent in the downtown NY theater scene working with companies such as Jean Cocteau Rep, LaMaMa ETC, Partial Comfort Production, Impact Theater & The MAD. Co. The MAD Co is a physical theater company founded by Joan Evans. They developed & performed movement & dance pieces throughout the New York area. His first break in film came shortly after finishing acting school in the Austrian produced film "The Virgin." His first television appearance was as an orderly on the NBC show "Third Watch". Being a doctor this made his mother proud.
From 2006-2013 he took a step back from acting. During this time he worked full time as an analyst for Citigroup, taught & directed plays, and assisted in Stella Adler's after-school school Shakespeare program for inner city children. He also traveled back to the Philippines. This experience was life changing for him. He came back to New York with a greater love & respect for his parents. He become aware of what they gave up and the sacrifices they made to bring their two young sons to the U. S. in order for them to have the best education possible. He also came away from his time in the Philippines with a deeper connection to his Filipino roots & culture.
At the encouragement of a friend he accepted a role in the Tennessee Williams play "In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel" with the HIT Fest Co. in Hamptons, NY. The play's success led to more work with HIT Fest including leads in "Jesus Hopped the 'A' Train" and "In the Next Room''.
He & his wife live in Los Angeles, CA.