Gilles De Schryver
Gilles De Schryver is a Belgian film & theatre actor, writer and producer.
His remarkable continuous activity throughout all these facets make him one of the most broad-scoped talents of his generation. De Schryver started on the stage where, as an actor and playwright, he quickly became artistic director of a middle-sized state-funded Flemish theatre company called 'het KIP'. He was seen in a multitude of award-winning theatre shows in- and outside of Europe in Dutch, in English as well as in French. He has freelanced for other Belgian and Dutch theatre companies for over 15 years. As a film actor De Schryver has more than 500 shooting days on his record and is internationally perhaps most known by larger audiences for his performances in critically acclaimed TV-series and feature films 'Code 37' and 'Hasta La Vista (Come as you are)'. As a film producer he has produced shorts and music videos, but is internationally primarily known for producing the highly acclaimed Flemish hit series 'The Natives' (8x45'), and Gilles Coulier's feature film debut 'Cargo'.