David Brown-King
David Brown-King is a born and raised Seattle, Washington Actor/Writer/Director/Poet/Artist/Musician/Extreme Athlete and Yogi. He got his foot in the door at ShoreWood High school under the loving tutelage of Barb Lachman and transitioned from there to Y.S.W (Young Shakespeare Workshop) Where Darren Lay opened his mind to the Vast and Voluptuous World of Shakespeare! From where he found himself auditioning for Cornish College of the Arts nestled at the foothills of Capitol Hill; where he was somehow granted admission... From there he proceeded into 4 years of life changing teaching, learning, crying, laughing, performing, relationships, heartbreak, love, death and life to the highest degree. After that he found himself being casted in some amazing productions which are all listed on this page; the ones that aren't include a myriad of majestical productions with local Seattle Theatres and Fringe New York Performances. He lived in Brooklyn, NY for 3 years of chaotic brilliance and passionate poetry, then found himself back in Seattle for a brief stint then onward to LA for 2 years where he gained his Yoga teaching degree and took up the wonderful world of surfing. Now he's returned to his beautiful home state of Seattle, Washington and resides deep in the forests of Vashon Island where he still works on all his disciplines daily.