Colin Bemis
Obsessed with and devoted to the cinematic landscape, Colin Bemis came well prepared. Equipped with a B.A. in Film from N.Y.C.'s Hunter College, as well as an arsenal of managing, scheduling, producing and communication attributes gleaned from the bevy of odd-jobs he's had, Colin has joyously segued full-time into his deepest passion.
His first film, Strawberry Flavored Plastic, was born from a truly independent seed. Armed with little more than a pen and devotion, Colin got the $13,800 film in front of critics. With no studio, no other producers, no publicists and no one else, the film ended up with 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and was humbled to feature in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloody Disgusting, Film Threat and many other outlets which garnered the attention needed. The film was then repped by The Octoberists and distributed by Breaking Glass Pictures in 2019.
Dedicated to truly independent cinema, New Animal Motion Pictures was founded to buttress under-heard storytellers, promote under-seen ideas, and accelerate the notion that unique, interesting and smart films have the biggest market of all. Colin also wants to be a resource for all filmmakers and cinephiles the world over: to teach what he's learned (and wishes he'd been taught.) Colin is excited to welcome everyone, with the openest and most outstretched of arms, to New Animal Motion Pictures. Stop talking. Start doing.