Annalisa Guidone
Annalisa Guidone is an LA native and is known for her deep comedic and dramatic character work. She breathes life into every role she says yes to. "It is important for me as an artist to give these people a voice. Living their story and shedding light on their life experiences is very important to me." She received her Bachelor's in Journalism and Media studies at San Diego State University, and has worked for E! Entertainment, as well as NBC San Diego, writing, reporting and producing. Shortly after graduating, she worked for Mandt Bros. Productions, where she finally began doing what she loved most, which was acting. She has been a member of the Screen Actors Guild since 2012 and has always felt that she was destined to be a world renowned Artist, Entertainer and Icon. She has dedicated herself to the arts. Since July 2012, Annalisa has created her own web series called "Gettin' It," has submitted her screenplay "For Living Only" to WGA and the Oscars, has written a series of collaborative coffee table books that feature poetry and art, has written her Memoir Ultra Goat, and has continued to make an impact on the American and Global Film Markets.